Population of Bend Oregon
Bend’s Current Population
Bend is small city which has experienced significant growth since 2000. Recent 2015 census data reveals the population of Bend (Oregon) to be 85,737. See the breakdown for the various cities in Deschutes County here:
Bend’s Future Population Growth
Bend is experiencing explosive growth and current U.S> Census Bureau projects forecast it will reach 132,209 by the year 2035. That equates to an average annual growth rate of 2.2% over that period of time.
Bend Oregon’s Population Trend
Deschutes County, in which Bend Oregon is the largest city, grew by nearly 300 percent between 1975 and 2014. Growing from roughly 42,000 in 1975 to more than 166,000 in 2014 (see cahrt). Bend accounted for the largest portion of that growth. Explore the details here:

Bend Oregon Population Trend
Age of Bend’s Population
When we look at the broader Deschutes County data we see that the vast majority (66.1%) of the population falls between 15 and 64 years old. The population of Bend falls into the following groupings:
Younger than 14 Years Old: 19.0%
Ages 15 to 64 Years Old: 66.1%
Older than 65 Years Old: 14.9%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau